How to hire your next consultant

I get called in to help businesses solve problems and
this often involves hiring other professionals with
expertise in particular areas. This role has taught me a lot about what clients look for when they're considering hiring me for a new consulting engagement and I use these same rules when I have to hire someone or provide a referral for a client.
- Focus on results. If I hire a real
estate broker to sell a client's property I am not
concerned with how they list the property or if it
gets put on a featured web page. All I am interested
in is the result...sell the property for maximum gain
within the target time frame. Hire professionals who
focus on results and do not get bogged down in the
details. - Professionalism required. A bad
relationship has the potential to damage my
reputation. More importantly it can result in failure of
the project and lost opportunities for my client.
Professionalism is a must, those without it don't get
in the front door. - Get out of the way. Good professionals
focus on
objectives, listen to the client's need and then
execute. My checking in or keeping tabs or
demanding status reports only impeeds their progress
and delays the project. Don't meddle.
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